Mission Statement

To bring together by association, communication and organization, lawyers of Georgia who devote a substantial amount of their professional time to the handling of litigated cases and whose representation in such cases is primarily for the defense.

To provide for the exchange among the members of this Association of such information, ideas, techniques of procedure and court rulings relating to the handling of litigation as are calculated to enhance the knowledge and improve the skills of defense lawyers.

To elevate the standards of trial practice in this area and in conjunction with similar associations in other areas, and to develop, establish, and secure court adoption or approval of a high standard code of trial conduct and courtroom manners.

To support and work for the improvement of the adversary system of jurisprudence in our courts, to work for the elimination of court congestion and delays in civil litigation, and to promote improvements in the administration of justice and to increase the quantity and quality of the service and contribution which the legal profession renders to the community, State, and nation.